Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Insigthful Moments - Part 3

November 1 – 5. San Diego and Los Angeles
Spent a day with Alex and Arleen in San Diego. Enjoyed the bay view of La Jolla, and skyline of downtown San Diego in the evening.
Renewed ties with Jun Chin – dorm mate and SVCF – LB alumnus
Disneyland with Linnette and Tricia. At Disney, it was not difficult to be a child once again. At least for a day.
Shared about Nehemiah with the young people of Tricia’s church. Focus question: what disturbs you?
Spent a day at Griffiths Observatory with Febfeb and Tom.

Insight: Everything we do and say has eternal value. In spite of our being seemingly insignificant, in the eyes of our creator God, we are his masterpiece – individually and collectively. As such, what we are is God’s gift to us; who we become is our gift to God!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Insightful Moments - Part 2

October 25 – 30. Seattle and Tacoma

Stayed with Mark and Monika, with their two sons. Had a taste of german cuisine and polish hospitality.

Taylor accompanied me to view Seattle from “the Pin” and then to the science museum where “the dead sea scroll” was on exhibit.

Went to spend “an evening with Joel Osteen” with Mike’s family.

Drove by myself to Silverdale to visit Don Fortune and his family - a long time college friend at UPLB and SVCF.

Spent a day with Mike’s and Dave Norman’s family in Northwest Trek where we saw all the animals indigenous to the place.

Then went to Mount Rainier where we had snow in all its forms, and for a moment,

the sun was out enabling us to see some of the mountain peaks.

Insight: Christianity respects and celebrates the best of all cultures. Our God advocates for a worldview and practice that merges somehow the international nature of the church and the diversity of culture that it seeks to honor without allowing the “control” of a dominant culture. Such merger is likened to a dance – where the music changes constantly allowing for the diversity of steps, tempo and rhythm.

October 30 – November 1. Las Vegas
Hosted by Keren – visited Hoover Dam and lake Mead; drove through the strip at night; saw Las Vegas at night from Stratosphere; intrigued by the wedding chapel signage;

marveled at the dancing fountain of Beladio , and watched the world renowned – Cirque Solei show “KA”

Met with Kuya Del his daughter’s family – Aileen.

Had dinner with my niece Maricris, her daughter Ramona and Ate Beth

Insight: Money, money, money… it is everywhere but in my pocket! But when I need it, there it is!

Insightful Moments

Wow! A month has gone by since the last time I have updated my blogsite. So what has happened since October 13? The following are the highlights – people, places and insights.

October 11 – 16. New Jersey and New York.
Stayed with Tim and Anne at 54th street. Then visited my college roommate Carlo who leaves at Garden City. Met his 3 boys, wife Marsha and Nanay Linda.

Spent time with Arnold and his PGH nurse-friends, walked around central park and had a wonderful dinner.
Had a time to share about Nehemiah circle with Rolly’s church – International Christian Fellowship (ICF). I was surprised to meet my college friend Dean Delos Reyes – who served as emcee of ICF’s Mission banquet that evening.
Another surprise was to be hosted by my classmate and co-boy scout during my elementary days in Marikina. Rene and his wife Fe together with their two children were gracious hosts who also made arrangement for me to share the Word that Sunday. Thanks also to Pastor Eric of Queens Baptist Church who willingly gave me the opportunity to speak before God’s people.

Insight: All relationships have eternal values. A friend is a friend for all time.

October 16 – 21. Chicago and Indianapolis.
Visited my Aunties Flory and Menchu – the latter just finished her 6th chemo session for her cancer. We continue to pray for her complete healing. We had an opportunity to watch the movie – 'Click' which is humorous commentary of a typical american life that revolves around work at the expense of more important aspects of life like family. Went with Tito Rey to buy some items at a thrift shop and send a balikbayan package at home.

Stayed with Johan at his new condominium unit facing the great lake of Chicago.

Insight: Tell me about your family and I will tell you who you are; tell me about your vision of yourself and I will tell you what your family can become.

October 21 – 25. Minneapolis.

A great time with Allan and Lynlyn Badayos. Met with pregnant Joyce and husband Ric; had Lunch with Bernie and wife Belle; and gave a ministry presentation during Adult Sunday school at Allan’s Church. Visited Mall of America.
Discuss with Pastor Joe regarding possibilities for partnership.

Insights: Materialism creeps into your doorsteps – you have a choice to welcome it with open arms or keep the door shut. If you choose the latter, be sure to stay away from the window where you have a good view of the neighbor’s yard.
