Two Tears / Seeds in Augusts

She was a simple wife who was rushed to widowhood. She was calm but determined to get justice for her husband. In the process, the nation found someone who signifies the cause of democracy. The reluctant widow gave in to the voice of the people. The justice she sought for her husband has been given a new meaning. It's making sure that what he believes in - that the Filipinos are worth dying for - will not be in vain. Now it's about the welfare of a seemingly orphaned nation.
She and the people prevailed. The wife, widow, became the president. And she did not only govern but led with integrity, compassion and servitude - a complete opposite of her predecessor. Even after she governed, she continued to lead because what we fought against somehow slowly found its way back - a zombie that mutated to something far more corrupt, greedy and destructive.
After the presidency, she became closer to our hearts. Beloved Tita by many who never give up on her nation and one who walks the streets to be the voice of the people. It was not a surprise that despite her illness, she continued about her work - being the voice...inspiring many to fight on... to live on.
PAGASA said that AUGUST has the most rain among all the months. No wonder she had to "go" and leave us now. Like a seed planted, what she stood for will hopefully grow along with the seed of her husband 26 years ago. This is the second tear...and it continues to be poured out... by many.
We love you Tita Cory and Ninoy. And we thank you for your lives. Now its time for us to live our own, guided by your life and what you stood for, we hope the next generation will experience the fruits of our labor that traces back from this two seeds of August.