HSD and DE: a Powerful Convergence!
I signed up for this course on Introduction to Human Systems Dynamics not fully understanding what the nature of this two-day course is. The pragmatist in me was saying, “Why not make the most out of your time in Vermont and learn what ever is there. Besides you are already spending a great bulk to travel expense.” Not up until I was going through the reading assignment while in the plane that I actually got curious and excited. I thought, “Wow, this is perhaps the next major learning experience after Dialogue Education!”

There are eight participants and I am the only Asian; and all but one, are dialogue education practitioners. Darlene (the DE specialist) and Glenda (the HSD specialist) carefully lead us through the learning module that is a product of their collaborative efforts. The result: a learning experience that epitomizes how adult learning should be, and sufficient working knowledge of what HSD is.
So what is HSD? It’s a collection of concepts and tools that help make sense of the patterns that emerge from the chaos when people work and play together in groups, families and communities. This “new way” of looking at groups as a collection of agents who contribute to shaping a group but at the same time are also shaped by the emerging patterns, is a major revelation. A “Aha” phenomenon! Such understanding is critical particularly when we begin to look at individuals in the context of the systems that they are in.

Dialogue education values the need to get to know the learner in order to develop and implement learning designs that are learner-based. Hence, a Learner Needs and Resource Assessment (LNRA) is an imperative for any serious DE practitioner. The value of HSD is that it introduces a new dimension in the process of “getting to know the learner”. That the learner is not just an individual with learning resource and needs, but an active agent of a given system who is pattern forming and formed by patterns.

As an illustration, if I am to understand a community development worker with the end view of developing relevant and engaging learning designs, aside from the LNRA, I should look into the immediate system (as well as other systems) in which he/she operates. And then identify both the behaviors that form the pattern and the patterns that reinforce the behavior. The objective then now is how to “empower” the individual to move from a less acceptable pattern and into a more desirable one.
The two day course finish this afternoon. All of us agree that our experience is a blast! I stumble once more into another learning experience that is comparative to the one I had with dialogue
education. Like DE, HSD is a seed planted that, I believe, will slowly shape the way I do capacity building. Such powerful convergence of DE and HSD in enabling groups to move towards relevance, dynamism, and life-transforming impact!

There are eight participants and I am the only Asian; and all but one, are dialogue education practitioners. Darlene (the DE specialist) and Glenda (the HSD specialist) carefully lead us through the learning module that is a product of their collaborative efforts. The result: a learning experience that epitomizes how adult learning should be, and sufficient working knowledge of what HSD is.

Dialogue education values the need to get to know the learner in order to develop and implement learning designs that are learner-based. Hence, a Learner Needs and Resource Assessment (LNRA) is an imperative for any serious DE practitioner. The value of HSD is that it introduces a new dimension in the process of “getting to know the learner”. That the learner is not just an individual with learning resource and needs, but an active agent of a given system who is pattern forming and formed by patterns.

As an illustration, if I am to understand a community development worker with the end view of developing relevant and engaging learning designs, aside from the LNRA, I should look into the immediate system (as well as other systems) in which he/she operates. And then identify both the behaviors that form the pattern and the patterns that reinforce the behavior. The objective then now is how to “empower” the individual to move from a less acceptable pattern and into a more desirable one.
The two day course finish this afternoon. All of us agree that our experience is a blast! I stumble once more into another learning experience that is comparative to the one I had with dialogue

good picture
Hi there, I came across your blog, and wanted to introduce myself. I work with Glenda Eoyang at the HSD Institute, and know Darlene, Mary and others at Global Learning Partners. I would love to talk with you about the HSDP Training, but I don't have any way to contact with you besides this blog. Can you email me at my work address? It is jherzing@hsdinstitute.org. Thanks!
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